Invite members of the public to join them in the 2021
Annual Parish Litter Pick
Saturday May 1st Sunday May 2nd
Gloves, Bags, Litter Grabbers & Traffic Warning Signs will be provided at Slaley Commemoration Hall.
There is a Prize for the most unusual item collected during the pick.
In the case of adverse weather, the Litter Pick will be postponed.
Please read and sign the Risk Assessment which will also be available at Slaley Commemoration Hall.
Bring filled bags to Commemoration Hall car park and leave near the wheelie bins for collection by Northumberland County Council.
2021 Litter Pick Risk Assessment – although we have copies to collect on the day, you may wish to print and sign before arriving (see below)
The Parish Council organises an annual Litter Pick, normally during April.
Volunteers are given protective gloves, litter grabbers and black bin liners.
Reflective tabards are also available to wear.
Roadside warning notices are available for volunteers and it is recommended that they are placed near the litter picking volunteers alerting traffic to SLOW LITTER PICK IN PROGRESS.
Unaccompanied children are not allowed to take part.
The Annual Litter Pick is advertised in the press and on the local notice board.
The litter pick is undertaken during hours when the weather is bright and visibility is good.
Please indicate that you have read this
Name Signature Date