Women's Institute
Slaley Women's Institute was established in 1923; meetings are free & visitors are welcome.
Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in Slaley Commemoration Hall, except in August when there is no meeting.
The current subscription for 2019 is £42 per year, which includes eight issues of the W.I. membership magazine "W.I. Life", and over £20 of the subscription stays with our local Institute.
The meetings usually begin with a brief business session, followed by a talk (e.g. "Funny Bones & Wisdom Teeth") or a craft activity (e.g. Willow Weaving), and ends with tea & biscuits. We frequently have visitors from other W.I.s, and on these occasions we provide a buffet supper.
This year we all thoroughly enjoyed trying Carpet Bowls, which brought out our competitive spirit, and we usually have a trip out too – this year we visited Herterton House Gardens;

Sugar Craft

Outing to Harlow Carr

Sugar Craft
Apart from our monthly meeting we are frequently invited to other W.I.s, which members greatly enjoy .
For further information please contact Hilary Porteus – secretary – 01434 673637
or our President, Margaret Rowell (01434 673589).
The Women's Institute is the largest women's organisation in the UK, with 215,000 members in 7,000 Institutes.
We offer women an opportunity to make an impact on their communities, to influence local, national and world issues affecting the social, economic and environmental life of families and communities, and to learn new and traditional skills.
There are also regional meetings and events for those who wish to attend, and various residential courses at the Women's Institute College near Oxford.