An informal badminton session is held in the Commemoration Hall on Wednesday mornings at 9.30 am. New members are always welcome: come and join in!
If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch with Fran Pugh (Email:, Tel: 01434 673429).
If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch with Fran Pugh (Email:, Tel: 01434 673429).
Carpet Bowls Group
Slaley Carpet Bowls Club meets in the Commemoration Hall every Tuesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
Carpet Bowls is really good fun! The hall on a Tuesday night is full of great humour, good and bad bowls and excellent chat. Newcomers are made to feel really welcome and soon pick up on the 'right bias' and the good fun. There is always a break for a good cup of tea and natter.
There are usually about 12-16 people there with ages ranging from teenager to wontadmitit or indeterminate! The club plays friendly yet competitive matches against local villages, and no matter what the bowls is like the supper is premier league class, whether it's at home or away. Give it a try – you are sure to enjoy it.