January - February Recycling News

In the Shop

Did you know that you can recycle Batteries in the Shop?
Great North Air Ambulance Service
Recycle your old printer cartridges at the Shop and benefit the GNAAS
In the Parish
What would you like to be recycled in the Parish?
Contact your Parish Councillor to make suggestions.
Environment Group
Slaley, Healey and Hexhamshire Community Environment Group
The group meets every six weeks (at present on Zoom).
If you would like to join contact Pat on 673388
Look below for details of the discussion about Slaley Recycling
7. Recycling Discussion.
a) Andy & Gill to give an update of recycling at Slaley Community Shop – battery recycling installed December 5 2020. AH updated the Ink cartridges request. GNAA will collect original ink cartridges (those that have a gold label) from Slaley Community Shop – they can sell on for refilling – AH will circulate by email when this is set up and the Shop is ready to accept. AH also mentioned Terra Cycle a company who collects all manner of items from flip flops to crisp packets. Only one item will be collected at any one time, so if the shop agreed to use Terra Cycle a recycling item would have to be agreed for a definite period. The shop would not be able to store items not on the monthly/quarterly recycling rota. AP looked on line and said Terra Cycle made items like plant pots and watering cans. It was suggested that everyone go on line and look at the company. AH meanwhile will talk to the company - it is being suggested that the present newspaper shed could be used for recycling storage between collections.
b) Recycle postage stamps – DT reported that the stamps with part of the envelope to include the franking are saved by a local lady for The Dogs Trust. AH said there was a box for these on the right of the extension inside Slaley Community Shop.
c) SB asked why people paid money to have their garden compost removed. RD said how difficult it was to find ‘Soil Improver’.
d) NCC recycling - CF said Northumberland had a poor recycling record there were many items not recycled by Northumberland done in other parts of the country. Some plastic not, some bottle tops not, some fruit juice packets not. AP said that the Tetra pack recycling in Wentworth Car Park had been removed because of contamination which apparently caused problems. DT said that NCC did recycle clothes and bicycles. PG thought the Slaley web site should have a link to the NCC site – should we have a list in the shop? CF thought snippets in Slaley News might help.
e) JC-H said her former school recycled old mobile telephones – most people now update their model by trading in similar to motor cars.
f) PG said he would like to see a use for delivery packaging especially bubble wrap – during COVID most of us are getting a vast quantity of packaging. SB said she was using a roll of packaging made from sheep’s wool.
g) PT thought that three points had emerged from the discussion:
1) NCC ‘catchy’ recycling material needs to be made widely known.
2) Ask people what they would most like to see recycled e.g. yogurt pots, crisp packets etc this could be done via Facebook by Slaley & Hexhamshire Notes and by Slaley News and Hexhamshire Magazine SD & AP to confer about those.